Sunday, September 21, 2008

Father's and Sons Campout. We brought our walkie-talkies along


Amy B. said...

So Cute!!!

Granny J said...

Did they learn to use the radio lingo like: Roger That, Over, Got a Copy, 10-4, Come Back, etc.? Did they get rained on? I heard there was a pretty big storm that came through on Friday night.-Lacie

Christina said...

sounds like fun!! what kinds of classes is jeanna taking? good for her!!! i so look forward to the day that grace is in school and i can go back to school.

Racquel & Aidan Goodwin said...

hey i have a blog too so it was fun to look at yours. looks like your family is just growing and growing.

Christina said...

Hey Jon, my mom said you are having a hard time getting on my address is
You are signed on as one of my readers so maybe you had the address wrong? Anyway, if that doesn't work, I can try to re-invite you. Christina