Wednesday, May 30, 2012


*Why is HGTV so addicting ? In the rare event that I have the remote in my hands, I'm enevitably there. House Hunters ? What is so facsinating?

*I get very upset when if Jon gets in bed before me (he usually does) and he puts his feet on my side of the bed and distrubs the sheets. Very upsetting business that.

*Isaak cracks me up almost every day. Last week he was analyzing his priorites, they are as follows; Family, Food, Jesus, Friends, Science. Should I be concerned that food is so high on the list ? ehhh he's 8. all in all, I won't complain.

*Mac surprises me constantly. Tonight he thanked me for him having such an amazing day. What a sweet kid.

*Grant is going through a Sesame Street phase, so cute. He lights up whenever Elmo gets on the screen, I love that.

*Jon is getting over the stupid shingles. Shingles are stupid stupid stupid.