Mac (David as he wants to be called at school now) and Isaak had their first Pine Wood Derby on Saturday, what fun! I've always wondered about the inner workings of such scouting events, well I finally got my first peek. It was everything I ever dreamed it to be and more. The cute little scouts everywhere, the dads, the noise, the excitement. wow.Thankfully both Isaak and Mac won trophies in the wolf category taking a solid 2nd and 3rd place respectably.whew. There for a minute we all worried that Isaak's morose may turn into a full blown depression, alas his car came through and pulled out a win. YAY!
troop 107 Pinewood Derby Feb 2011 |
Sometime earlier we were in Albuquerque, and captured this fabulous pic of Mac in the Mac store, a place we all enjoy.
This month Doodle and I went to Arkansas to see Kristal and celebrate her impending triplets. She lives right down the street from the Duggars, how could I not take a picture of that ?
Grant continued his quest at being the foremost adored baby in the universe. To be honest, he's got this one in the bag.
BYU played El Paso in the New Mexico Bowl this past December, we of course went. Here is Isaak being Isaak at the game. It was cold, really cold.
The 8 and under state swim meet was this past weekend, Grant wasn't impressed.
Isaak and Mac were fabulous! They swam hard, and represented RHAA (Ruidoso High Altitude Aquatics) well. Mac swam in his first 2 relays, and swam the IM. Tough work. This was Isaak first "official" meet, he was awesome !